Samstag, 18. Mai 2019

God’s faithfulness

Log then Capture Sometimes we atomic number 18 that piece of log. Lifeless. No shape. No form. No beauty. Nothing fussy about it. But divinity sees something special about you. stack around you may say that you ar bound to fail because you were not able to go to civilise, or because you are poor, or because you drive home no talent, or because you deport a broken family. But the sculptor, our idol, sees something special about you? The reason why you are here. He sees greatness in you because he has created you for that purpose-?for greatness We may not see it at the moment.Because paragon is still working that masterpiece in you. Our text is interpreted from Ephesians 210 which says, We are Gods workmanship, retreated in Christ Jesus to do cheeseparing works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 1. We are Gods Workmanship A. Every Human is Created by God in His Image (Genesis 126-27) a. deal this picture (father and son), we can say that they are father and son. Because the son resembles his father. Sino as ninny fornicatress kumara nag mama o papa ninny? Dib sometimes people go forth discern who you are because of your resemblance with your parents. Again din asana Toyota Kay Lord.When people see us, they need not request if you are a Christian because from your rowing and actions, they will know that you are Gods son and daughter. B. I know how hard it is to become a Christian. A survey of people have difficulty in deciding to follow Christ because there are so many things an bawl. Bawl magma boyfriends/ girlfriend. Bawl minimum/manageri everyy. God wants us to follow these DON TTS because he actually wants to protect us. Protect us from beforehand(predicate) pregnancy, early fatherhood/m differenthood, sickness kindred lung cancer, liver problems, hypertension, etc.Asana normalize anti LATA nag to. God basks you so much that He doesnt want you to make decisions that may harm you in the future. C. And like the father in the pr odigal son, no matter how we fail him, he will till welcome you back with love and forgiveness. God loves us so much. B. Every Christian has been created again in Christ. A. Created IN CHRIST JESUS. This subject matter that even before JESUS CHRIST came into the world to save us, He was actually already usher in from the beginning. Before Adam and Eve had ever sinned against God, they were perfect like Jesus Christ.But when sin came into the picture, the perfection was destroyed. We became sinners, unfaithful, egocentric and unrighteous. B. But in 2 Corinthians 7 of the New Testament, It says there, If anyone is IN CHRIST, he is a NEW CREATION, the experienced has gone and the new has come. God gave us another chance through Jesus Christ to keep open ourselves. To have that connection with Him again and enjoy the abundance and the fullness of His love. C. Have made a lot of mistakes again and again and yet, God never really gave up on me.Katie guano pa kali nag Salinas MO as Ke nya, He would even be the one to come near you and not to propel you of your sins that to remind you that He loves you so much despite of everything. So, if you are here today and you have made a serious mistake in the past, do not let that define you. You are created for something more than youre past. Tell the arson next to you, be patient with me, God IS not yet entire With me. 2. We are created for good works a. Many people believed that good works are enough for them to be saved.But it is said in Ephesians 28-9, For by grace you have been saved through faith, not of yourselves, it is a gift from God so that no one can boast. B. Our good works cannot save us because even our good works are also influenced by our needs, ideologies and beliefs. Sometimes, we help people because we Want to endure it forward so that when the time comes that We will be needing their help, they will also help us. Sometimes, we help other people so we can e recognized. We help others because they have helped us. Even our best is tainted with sin. C. Our good works can sometimes cause us to boast.The reason why God used the materialization and small David to kill Goliath, the shepherd boy and the youngest Joseph to be the ruler, the killers of Christians Saul to be Paul who confesses God with all his heart, the old and barren Sarah to give birth to Isaac or the young and lustful David to be the man after(prenominal) Gods own heart-?the reason why God used them is so that they will say that it was not them but it was all because of God. D. Sometimes we are afraid to be involved n the church because we feel that we are incompetent, poor, weak, untalented, shy or that we are not good enough.But guess what God wants people like you and me to allot Him and glorify His name. MY TESTIMONY I have been a Christian since I was in kindergarten. But I came to really understand Gods word when was in high school. But understanding is different from actually obeying Gods commands. Like a nybody in this room, I was really struggling. Having a knowledge of what is right and evil makes me more accountable of our actions. Which is more hurting? When your grade 1 friend had left you? Or when your best friend since grade 1 until now had suddenly left you with no explanation? It is the latter. Why?Because you have known and understand unwrap that friends really dont moreover do that. Same is true with our relationship with God. When we were little, it was okay that we were not praying everyday, meditating on his words or obeying his commands because we still did not understand the real meaning of Christianity. Which is actually living life sentence like Christ. In high school, was a church gore and even joined the activities of the church. But was not actually doing everything that he said in his word. Was actually doing a lot of things that you also are doing. But nevertheless, God has still been very faithful to me.He caused me to finish on top of our class even when was not faithful. That chapter of my life was also the time when we almost lost everything we own. We lost the house, the lumber yard, the pawnshop, the cars, and the hardware. If God was not with us, we might have also lost our family. No matter how sinful, unfaithful and hard-headed we are, God will find a guidance to reach out to you. When I started college, I came to know Christ more through the campus crusade for Christ. It was easier to potpourri because I have people around me ho are supporting me and joining me in my bye with Christ.We were winning souls in the campus. I felt very secure and fulfilled that time. Was being used by God in his ministry. But then again, the college years had to end. When I was starting medicine, I went to another school and lost contact with my campus crusade friends. I was becoming busy reaching for my dream of becoming a doctor when was beginning to lose my relationship with God. I Was not as disobedient as Was when was in high school. But then again, I was spending most of my time in school. I became just a church gore. I was till able to finish well through Gods faithfulness.When I was in Dave last year, where was having my internship for one year. This was the time when began to slowly lose my sight of God. I was back into my old egotism or even worse. But even though this times, God has remained faithful to me and my family. Was able to finish my internship and passed the exam. I may have failed God and my family several times in my life. But God never fails. He never gave up on me. He has always given many chances to straighten up my life. I admit that at the moment, I am still getting back on the right sign and it is very hard to do so.

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